Now coming to biochemistry. I referred to only Lehninger for the entire syllabus. Study all the topics that were taught in your B.Sc.


WARNING – Do not skip any chapter if you intend to score full in your subject!!!

There is no guarantee on how much you are going to score in aptitude and chemistry sections due to various factors. But in the 2 subjects that you have the option to choose, you have full opportunity to score a full mark only if you plan to make them your strength. And this is exactly where I can help you!

In biochemistry, you basically need to go through all your chapters, read them, understand the concepts, solve problem sums wherever relevant and look up on the various kinds of MCQs that could appear. Solve sums on enzymes – Michaelis Menten (MM) equation, catalytic efficiency, turnover rate, Lineweaver-Burk Plot and MM equation for inhibitors, pH and buffer sums are important too – questions based on Henderson-Hasselbach equation are likely; dissociation constant; hydrolysis constant; solubility product and solubility. You can refer to the biochemistry syllabus I have already mentioned in one of my previous blog –

In microbiology, some very vital sums that have appeared frequently are dilution rate (D=f/V – Microbial growth from Prescott), growth rate, number of generations, generation time, Gibbs free energy, Nernst equation, oxidation-reduction problems, % yield and fold purification (enzymology – enzyme purification). Besides, you must know definitions. Generally knowledge based questions are asked in this section to assess your expertise in your field. Medical microbiology is not particularly important. But if you had studied well at the time of your course, then you shall not face much problem. From industrial microbiology part, you have to know which microorganism is used for the commercial production of which enzyme.

As for general aptitude, some important chapters are – percentage, permutations and combinations, probability, circles, triangles and number system. They will also ask questions based on vocabulary and understanding and analytical skills. So practising previous year questions will suffice.

Hope you will benefit from my advice! 🙂

9 Replies to “GATE preparation – Tips for biochemistry & microbiology”

    1. Nothing is impossible! If you work hard enough, you can definitely crack the exam even alongside job. But yes, it will tougher than taking break and devoting whole of your time to the preparation. Gate syllabus mainly involves the BSc syllabus, so I think a little brushing up is all you need, provided your fundamentals are already strong enough. One needs to pay attention to the compulsory sections like the logical reasoning and chemistry.

      All the best 🙂

  1. Hlo mam, will you pls tell me how you prepared the unit 13 of csir net or from where you studied the material???

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